Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Our baby is 2 months old!!

Well, the stats are in...Bella is doing well weighing in at 10lbs 2oz and is 22 1/2 inches long. If you remember she was 6lbs and 20 inches long at her last doctor visit so you can see she is certainly growing. She is changing so much and is starting to really smile at us.


Anonymous said...

OH my gosh, she is SO beautiful! Isn't it just the best feeling in the world when they start to smile at you?
We didn't make it to the Davis's house tonight for the movie, but we hope to see you at church Sunday or Christmas eve. We really wanted to go tonight, but Ava has a fever and I just couldn't bring myself to leave her. Hope to see ya soon!

Rhonda said...

Aww yay new pictures. Cutie! We get to meet her soon! I'm so excited. :) Travel safely.