Thursday, June 4, 2009


Well, there are a couple of surprises...

1. I am actually posting something on this blog.
2. We bought a house in Goshen so I guess we are here to stay. (for awhile at least)
3. Baby #2 is due Oct 18th.  (the day before Bella's b-day)
4. Baby #2 is a boy!!  yeah!!

I know it's a lot all at once, but try to handle it.  Well, I'll post again in about 6 months.  :)  


Mimi said...

Wow! I almost fell out of my chair when I saw your post! So happy for you guys about the house even if it means you are there to stay:( The 18th is Isaac's bday! How fun is that to have them so close.

Hannah keeps asking when you guys are coming down for a visit. Keep us going by posting some pics of Bella.

Miss you guys,

Natalie said...